How to Set “OR”, “AND”, “SORT”, “LIMIT” Operator in Mongoose + MongoDB
Mongoose is Object – Database modeling library with mongodb and node.js.
How to set “OR" and “AND" query in find methods?
You can set “OR" operator in the find method like the following syntax.
$or: [{condition1},{condition2}]
Example 1. Use “$or" operator.
pets = await Pet.find({
$or: [
{ email: },
{ ownerId: authUserId },
Example 2. Use “$or" and “$and" operator.
pets = await Pet.findOne({
$and: [
$or: [
{ email: },
{ ownerId: authUserId },
{ _id: petId },
How to Use “SORT" and “LIMIT"
Example 3. Use “sort()" and “limit()“
feds = await Feed.find({ petId: 'PETID' }).sort({ date: -1 }).limit(5);
Delete Array Elements in Document with Mongoose
To use “$pull" or “$pullAll" is recommended.
Example 4. Use $pullAll
await User.updateOne({ authUserId: 'user001' },{ $pullAll: { pets: [petId] } });
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